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Welcome to Thera4Care

Theranostics Ecosystem for Personalised Care



Theranostics entails the pairing of a diagnostic test and therapy that both bind to the same target. As an example, a molecule that binds to a protein on a cancer cell could carry with it a radioactive isotope that shows up on scans to help diagnose the disease, then another radioactive isotope designed to destroy the cancer cell. Targeted radiotheranostic therapies therefore make precision oncology a reality with targeted radiotheranostic therapy.  


Theranostics is already used to treat a number of late-stage cancers, but it is only available in a handful of specialised centres. We also need to incrementally develop new, innovative radiotheranostics, but work on this is currently not coordinated on a European scale.  


The overarching aim of Thera4Care is to establish an integrated, collaborative European ecosystem for theranostics that brings together leading academic centres, healthcare providers, SMEs and industry stakeholders to support healthcare system readiness for theranostics.  


The project will focus on a number of key challenges to help position Europe as a global leader in theranostics. Part of the project will work to explore how to strengthen the manufacture and supply of radiotheranostics, with the goal of optimising the timely and cost-effective delivery of treatments to healthcare facilities. Another part of the project focuses on the development of cancer models capable of testing and studying theranostics in the lab, before they are tested in humans. This will facilitate the testing and potential market access of innovative theranostics solutions.  


Elsewhere, the project will deliver a comprehensive framework for phase 1 clinical trials of radiopharmaceuticals. The framework will incorporate adaptive elements, so that trials can respond flexibly to interim results and new treatments.  


Finally, the team will work to optimise the clinical use of radiotheranostics by delivering artificial intelligence-based advances in imaging; working on personalised dosing protocols to further improve outcomes for patients; and establishing a multi-modal oncology platform that will help physicians by visualising relevant patient data.


Our Consortium

The Thera4Care consortium comprises 25 partners including universities, research organisations, public bodies, non-profit groups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mid-sized companies (with a turnover of less than €500 million), third parties, IHI industry partners, and contributing partners. The consortium is coordinated by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, located in Rome, Italy.

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Thera4Care is funded by the Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) under grant agreement No 101172788. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme and COCIR, EFPIA, EuropaBio, MedTech Europe, Vaccines Europe, Atley Solutions, Curasight, Dosisoft, Minerva Imaging, Perspective Therapeutics, and Terthera.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the aforementioned parties. Neither of the aforementioned parties can be held responsible for them.

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